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3 Goal Setting Tips For Your Health And Fitness Program

It's impossible to begin or expand your company without a plan, an unambiguous vision of where you'd like to take your business and the way you plan to achieve it. Instead, you'll look at your cash flow and expenditures and choose the location of your office, determine your operating hours and devise strategies to conquer obstacles.

Your fitness and health program requires the same amount of focus, regardless of whether you're just beginning to outline your fitness program or are looking to improve and expand your current exercise routine.

Setting Goals for your health and Fitness Exercise

You should know why you're trying to improve your fitness before embarking on a new fitness and fitness plan. Maybe your pants fell apart when you awoke to greet your date and you thought, "I really ought to get this fixed." Perhaps you are unable to maintain a pace with grandkids. Heart disease may be a problem in your family and you'd like to keep that family tradition.

Whatever your reason, you must make sure that you're doing this for your own benefit. You're not doing this solely to please your mother-in-law or your physician. After you've assessed your fitness level, set goals that are specific to you. Research has proven that goal-setting is effective.

We will explore the various kinds of goals that you can create.

Tip 1 - Long-term objectives

Make a plan for the coming six months. Some people are really imaginative when it comes to long-term goals for their fitness and health plans.

You must ensure that your goals for the future are achievable. If you've decided to complete your first marathon, you don't have to complete the full marathon during your very first session of training. But, on the other hand don't be scared to think about it. Imagine that you are participating at the next local marathon race. Pick a goal that inspires you. It might seem impossible right now, but it isn't out of the possibilities. Many people are amazed by the things they can achieve.

My great uncle Dave aged 60 when he began training for a half-marathon race. He was training six days a week along with his buddy. Following six months of preparation Uncle Dave was able to complete his half-marathon. The oldest in the race, however his pace was not among the fastest. His victory encouraged him to train for the full marathon.

It is up to you to decide on your own what is reasonable. Certain people rise to the occasion and set goals that seem impossible. Some people are discouraged after setting unrealistic expectations. If you're just beginning you should create moderately challenging goals. If you accomplish your goals sooner than you expected, it's an ideal time to set goals that are more ambitious. Here are some examples of concrete long-term goals that might inspire your thoughts:

Run 20 kilometers in just 3 hours, six months from now. Reduce the body's fat percentage by 5 percent over 20 weeks.

Tip 2: Short-term goals

Six months is a long period to wait for the feeling of achievement. To stay inspired, you must be able to feel satisfaction throughout the process. Set goals for a short period of time, from between one week and a month. Below are some suggestions:

Try the stair-climber at least each week four times for 30 minutes each time.

Enhance your walking time by 30 seconds in a single week.

Bicycle 50km every each week over the course of three weeks.

Tip 3 - Goals that are immediate

Immediate goals are goals for every day, week or exercise. So that when you go to the fitness center and you aren't wasting your time thinking about which exercises to perform. Here are some examples of how to achieve immediate objectives:

Visit the health club three times per week

Do 5 km twice every week.

Bicycle 15 km twice per week.

Goals are similar to points on a compasses that help you get to where you'd like to get to.

Are there any other things you'd like to know about ways to increase your fitness levels? If you exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet, you'll be longer, healthier and happier.


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